Are you a scholar, student, or researcher looking for government research institutes in India? Finding the right one can be tricky. Information might be scattered across different websites, and frequent name changes can add to the confusion.
This blog will help you to get the relevant and right information under one umbrella, so you can save time from researching independently and spend more time to select which one is best for you.
Table of Contents
Top Research Institutes in India
Here is the comprehensive list of the top research institutes in India, belonging to different categories:
Agricultural Research Institutes
- Indian Agricultural research institute-ICAR
Key Research Areas: Genetics & Plant Breeding; Plant Pathology; Microbiology; Post Harvest Technology
You can visit the website here:
- Indian Institute of horticultural research
Key Research Areas: Horticultural Research: Biotechnology; Entomology; Pathology
You can visit the website here to explore more:
- Agharkar research institute
Founded: 1946
Key Research Areas: Biodiversity & Palaeobiology, Bioenergy, Bioprospecting, Development Biology, Genetics & Plant Breeding, Nanobioscience
You can explore this website for more information:
- National Research Centre on Meat
Location: Based in Boddupal, Hyderabad.
Key Research Areas: Meat animal and meat inspections; Fresh meat Technology; Processed meat Technology
Website: You can check out their website and explore more
- National Dairy Research Institute
Founded: 1923
Key Research Areas: Dairy & Food Technology; Dairy Microbiology; Artificial Reproduction; Animal Biotechnology; Animal Genomics; Animal Nutrition
Website: To explore more about this institute, you can check out the website
- National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources
Location: Headquarters are in New Delhi.
Key Research Areas: Plant Genetic Resources (PGR) Management and Use, Policy, Issues on Exchange of Genetic, Resources: Quarantine, IPR; Assessing Economic Value; Conflicts over Ownership, Management and Use; National and International Treaties / Legislation; CBD, IT-PGRFA, GPA, PVP&FR Act Biodiversity Act etc, Genomics and Bioinformatics: Genomic Resource Generation, Use and Conservation, GM Crops; GM Detection Techniques
Website: To explore more about this institute you can visit their website:
- Forest Research Institute
Location: Dehradun, Uttarakhand
Key Research Areas: Forest Management, Menstruation and JFM Silviculture, Agro Forestry and Urban Forestry, Climate Change, Wood Science and Technology,Biodiversity Conservation, Forest Protection, Chemistry of Natural
Product, NWFP; Ecology and Environment, Forest Genetics and Tree Propagation
Website: You can visit their website and explore:
On their website, they have also mentioned how to reach the institute, check here:
- Institute of Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding
Location: Based in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu.
Key Research Areas: Tree improvement; Bamboo Cultivation; Bio-prospecting of
Forest Natural Resources; Gene function Analysis and Transgenic for Salt and Insect Tolerance in Trees; Climate Change Adaptation Research in Trees wit Specific Reference to Elevated CO2; Tree Physiology and Seed Biochemistry; Seed Science & Technology; Species Recovery Research on Threatened Species; Insect Diversity in relation to Tree Cultivation; Biopesticides; Techniques in Mycorrhizae/ Beneficial Microbes (Biofertilizers); Non Timber Forest Produce and Tree Borne Oil Seeds Genetics; Plant Microbiology
Website: To explore more, you can check out their website
- Tropical Forest Research Institute
Location: Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh
Key Research Areas: Development of Agro-forestry models; Genetics and Plant
Propagation; Forest Pathology; Silviculture and joint Forest Management; Sustainable harvesting and cultivation techniques; Forest Entomology;
Forest Ecology and rehabilitation; studies on plant diversity, enthnobotany, ecotones, influence of climate change on biodiversity, documentation of
indigenous traditional knowledge of plant resources.
- Central Soil Salinity Research Institute
Location: Karnal, Haryana
Key Research Areas: Reclamation and Management of Salt Affected Soils; Physics and Chemistry of Saline and Sodic Soils; Assessment of Salt Affected Soils through Remote Sensing and GIS; Conservation Agriculture and Integrated Nutrient Management on Salt Affected Soils; Enhancing Water Productivity through Multi Enterprise Agriculture; Management of Poor Quality Waters in Agriculture and Other Land Uses; Bio-Remediation of Waste Waters; Bio-Drainage for Controlling Water Logging and Soil Salinity; Carbon Sequestration Potential in Saline Environment under Changing Climatic Conditions; Solid Waste Management for Soil Improvement.
Website: You can visit and explore their website
- Indian Veterinary Research Institute
Location: Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh
Key Research Areas:Molecular Diagnosis for Animal Diseases; Rumen Microbes and Their Role in Feed Degradation; Fracture Management in Large Animals; Rapid Detection of Food Borne and Zoonotic Pathogens; Stem Cell Re.
Website: You can explore their website
- Central Institute of PostHarvest Engineering & Technology
Location: Ludhiana, Punjab
Key Research Areas: Rapid Evaluation of Food Quality and Safety; Packaging and
Storage of Agricultural Produce and Products; Extrusion Processing Technology; Microencapsulation; Milling of Food Grains and Oilseeds
Website: You can explore their website
- Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute
Location: Karnal, Haryana
Key Research Areas: Reclamation and Management of Salt Affected Soils; Physics and Chemistry of Saline and Sodic Soils; Assessment of Salt Affected Soils through Remote Sensing and GIS; Conservation Agriculture and Integrated Nutrient Management on Salt Affected Soils; Enhancing Water Productivity through Multi Enterprise Agriculture; Management of Poor Quality Waters in Agriculture and Other Land Uses; Bio-Remediation of Waste Waters; Bio-Drainage for Controlling Water Logging and Soil Salinity; Carbon Sequestration Potential in Saline Environment under Changing Climatic Conditions; Solid Waste Management for Soil Improvement
- Central Institute of Fisheries Technology
Location: Research centers function at Veraval (Gujarat), Visakhapatnam (AP), Mumbai (Maharashtra).
Key Research Division: Fishing Technology Division, Fish Processing Division., Biochemistry & Nutrition Division, Quality Assurance & Management Division Engineering Division, Extension, Information & Statistics Division, Microbiology, Fermentation and Biotechnology Division.
- Central Institute of Freshwater Aquaculture
Key Research Areas: Aquaculture and Molecular, Endocrinology; Fish Genetics and Biotechnology; Soil and Water Quality Management for Freshwater Aquaculture Practices; Feed and Feed Management Technology;Immunology, Nanotechnology and Immunodiagnostics.
Division: Aquaculture production & environment, Fish genetics & biotechnology, Fish health management, Fish nutrition & physiology, social science section.
- Kerala University of Fisheries and Ocean Studies
Location: Panagadh, Kerala
Key Research Areas: Fisheries; Ocean Studies & Technology; Ocean Engineering; Climate Variability & Aquatic Ecosystems; Management & Social Sciences
- Central Avian Research Institute
Location: Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh
Key Research Areas: Poultry Production; Poultry Nutrition; Poultry Health
- Directorate of Sorghum Research
Location: Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh
Key Research Areas: Sorghum related Research
- Central Arid Zone research institute
Location: Jodhpur, Rajasthan
Key Research Areas: Rodent Control, Arid Legumes
- Central Potato Research Institute
Location: Shimla, Himachal Pradesh
Key Research Areas: Development of Varieties; Sustainable Technologies for enhancing Productivity & Utilization of Potato
- Central Plantation Crops Research Institute
Location: Krishnapuram, Kerala
Key Research Areas: Crop Improvement; Production; Protection; Plant Physiology Biochemistry & PHT; Social Science
- Indian Institute of Crop Processing Technology
Location: Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu
Key Research Areas: Agricultural Process Engineering; Incubation Center for Processing of Horticultural Crops; Extrusion Technology; Processing of Cereals, Pulses and Millets; Food Microbiology; Fermentation; Agricultural Waste and Byproduct Utilization; Food Safety and Quality Testing; Food Storage; Packaging Technology; Drying; Processing of Spices and Plantation Crops; Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals; Food Product Development; On-farm and Rural-Level Gadgets for
Food Processing; Renewable Energy for Food Processing; Technology Dissemination
- Indian Institute of Vegetable Research
Location: Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh
Key Research Areas: Applied research for developing technologies to enhance productivity of vegetable crops; their nutrient quality; post harvest management and value addition
- Central Sheep and Wool Research Institute
Location: Avikanagar, Rajasthan
Key Research Areas: Sheep and Wool Research
- Directorate of Cashew Research
Location: Puttur, Karnataka
Key Research Areas: Cashew research
- National Bureau of Fish Genetic Resources
Location: (Indian Council of Agricultural Research), Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh
Key Research Areas: Development of fish databases; genetic characterization; gene
banks; fish germplasm and habitat inventory; risks analysis of exotic species; diagnostics for OIE notified pathogens; aquatic microbes and other areas of germplasm conservation with special focus on threatened; prioritized and exotic fish species
- Central Tuber Crops Research Institute
Location: Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala
Key Research Areas: Development of agro techniques for tuber crops; development of new varieties of tropical tuber crops; Development of plant protection technologies; Development of processing technologies to add value to tuber
crops and machinery for cost effective processing
- International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics
Location: Hyderabad, Telangana
Key Research Areas: Crops genomics and molecular breeding
- National Centre for Integrated Pest Management
Location: Delhi
Key Research Areas: Pest Management
- Indian Institute of Spices Research
Location: Kozhikode (Calicut), Kerala
Key Research Areas: Collection, conservation, evaluation and cataloging of germplasm; Development of varieties of high yield, quality and resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses through conventional and biotechnological approaches; Standardizing propagation methods to ensure large scale production and distribution of high yielding genotypes; Development of agrotechniques for increasing production and productivity. Integrated pest and disease management; Post harvest technology; Socio-economic aspects of cultivation, marketing and information dissemination in spices; Investigation on nutraceuticals and pharmacokinetics aspects of spices.
- Kakatiya University, Department of Biotechnology and Department of Botany
Location: Warangal, Andhra Pradesh
Key Research Areas: Plant tissue culture; Protoplast Culture; Embryo Rescue; In Vitro Mutagenesis; Genetic Engineering; Molecular Biology; Transgenic Technology;
Transplastome Technology; Rootknot Nematode interactions; Nitrogen fixation; Telomerase and Cancer Detection; Biomedical Studies; Biodesulphurization and Molecular Markers; Cytology; Cytogenetics and Mutation Breeding; Genetics and Plant breeding; Comparative Morphology; Chemotaxanomy and Palynology; Reproductive Biology; Phycology and Hydrobiology; Mycology & Plant Pathology; Microbiology; Physiology & Tissue Culture; Radiation Botany; Taxonomy and Floristics; Ecology and Plant Biotechnology and Genetic
- Central Institute for Cotton Research
Location: Nagpur, Maharashtra
Key Research Areas: Crop Improvement, Crop Production, Crop Protection, Post
Harvest Technology
- Central Institute for Research on Cotton Technology
Location: Mumbai, Maharashtra
Key Research Areas: Improvement in Ginning of cotton; Improvement and Quality
Evaluation of Fibre; Yarn and Fabric; Finishing and Dyeing of Cotton with Natural and Environment Friendly Agents; Utilisation of Cotton Plant Residues for Production of Value Added Products; Development of Entrepreneurship for Utilisation of CIRCOT Technologies
- Directorate of Cashewnut & Cocoa
Location: Agri, Kerala
Key Research Areas: Cocoa production and processing
- National Research Centre on Plant Biotechnology
Location: Pusa Campus, New Delhi
Key Research Areas: Genetic engineering for biotic resistance; exploitation of
heterosis for enhancement of crop productivity; molecular breeding to unlock the genetic potential from diverse germplasm and integrate in cultivated crop varieties; various crop and microbe genome sequencing projects
- Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University
Location: Chennai, Tamil Nadu
Key Research Areas: Animal Biotechnology; Animal Sciences(Research); Animal Health
- National Institute of Veterinary Epidemiology and Disease
Location: Bengaluru, Karnataka
Key Research Areas: Epidemiological investigation of livestock diseases; National
Animal Disease Referral Expert System ; Prevalence of Leptospira inadai subspecies in man and animals in India identified
- Indian Institute of Soil Science
Location: Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh
Key Research Areas: Environmental soil science; Soil Chemistry and fertility; Study of Organic and inorganic nutrient sources affect soil biological activity; effect on runoff; soil and nitrogen losses; Crop productivity in organic farming; Soil physics.
- Department of Zoology, University of Delhi
Location: Delhi
Key Research Areas: Pesticide toxicology; bioremediation of pesticide molecules and heavy metals; soil microbial ecology; soil microbial taxonomy; soil health and soil
fertility; wastewater treatment; food and feed traceability
- University of Agricultural Sciences
Location: Bellary Road, Bangalore
Key Research Areas: Develop crop varieties resistant to pests; diseases and drought.
- Sugarcane Breeding Institute
Location: Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu
Key Research Areas: Breeding of superior sugarcane varieties/ genotypes; crop improvement; production and protection aspects of sugarcane
- National Institute of Plant Genome Research
Location: New Delhi
Key Research Areas: Structural and Functional Genomics in plants; Computational Biology; Genome Analysis and Molecular Mapping; Molecular Mechanism of Abiotic Stress Responses; Nutritional Genomics; Plant Development and Architecture; Plant Immunity; Molecular Breeding; Transgenics for crop improvement and other emerging areas based on plant genomics
- National Centre for Agricultural Economics and Policy Research
Location: New Delhi
Key Research Areas: Agricultural technology policy; Sustainable agricultural systems; Markets and trade; Institutional change; Agricultural growth and
- Kerala Forest Research Institute
Location: Thrissur District, Kerala
Key Research Areas: Fungicidal management of quick wilt disease; Macrofungal flora of Peechi and Vazhani Wildlife Sanctuary; Biodiversity of plant pathogenic fungi in the Kerala part of the Western Ghats; Ecosystem structure; biodiversity; human dimensions and their linkages of Iringole sacred groves; Conservation of the critically endangered tree Syzygium palghatense Gamble (Myrtaceae) in the Western Ghats
- Department of Veterinary Parasitology, College of Veterinary Science, Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University
Location: Ludhiana, Punjab
Key Research Areas: Veterinary Parasitology
- Indian Institute of Sugarcane Research
Location: Raibarel, Lucknow
Key Research Areas: Evaluation of locally adapted sugarcane varieties with improved yield and quality as well as resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses; Development of package of practices for higher cane sugar production; Development of low cost technologies for sugarcane production; Intensifying and
extending the networking facility and information generation for
transfer of technology to the farmers and sugar industry
- National Institute of Abiotic Stress Management
Location: Pune, Maharashtra
Key Research Areas: Basic and strategic research on management of abiotic stresses of crop plants, animals, fishes and micro-organisms through genetic,
biotechnological and nano technological tools and agronomic methods for enhanced
sustainable productivity, food/feed quality and farm profitability adopting integrated interdisciplinary approaches
- National Bureau of Agriculturally Important Insects
Location: Bangalore, Karnataka
Key Research Areas: Parasitic Hymenoptera (Chalcidoidea & Ichneumonoidea)- Biodiversity; systematic; host-parasitic wasps association/interactions & molecular characterization
- Central Institute of Brackishwater Aquaculture
Location: Chennai, Tamil Nadu
Key Research Areas: Development of technoeconomically viable and sustainable culture systems for finfish and shellfish in brackishwater; repository of
information on brackishwater fishery resources with a systematic database
- Central Institute of Fisheries Education
Location: Mumbai, Maharashtra
Key Research Areas: Diversification of aquaculture; Biodiversity assessment and conservation; Application of Nanotechnology and biotechnology; Nutraceuticals and
nutrigenomics; Genetic Improvement and Genomics; Climate Change and Adaptations; Improved management of aquatic animal health and environment;
Assessment and enhancement of seafood quality; Livelihood and food security of marginal farmers
- Sri Venkateswara College
Location: New Delhi
Key Research Areas: Ecology; Entomology; AnimalPlant interactions; Insect Physiology and Plant vaccination
- Kerala Agricultural University
Location: Thrissur, Kerala
Key Research Areas: Production activities based on land and water; including crop
production (agriculture); animal husbandry; forestry and fishery through conducting; interfacing and integrating education; research and extension in these spheres of economic endeavour
- Institute of Biotechnology , Acharya N. G. Ranga Agricultural University
Location: Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh
Key Research Areas: Agricultural biotechnology research
- Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering
Location: Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh
Key Research Areas: Equipments for Commercial Farming; Equipments for Experimental Research
- Central Inland Fisheries Research Institute
Location: Kolkata, West Bengal
Key Research Areas: Understanding the ecology and production functions of inland water bodies; Ecosystem based fisheries management of reservoirs and wetlands;
environmental changes and their impacts on fisheries.
- Central Institute of SubTropical Horticulture
Location: Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh
Key Research Areas: Conservation and documentation of germplasm of subtropical
fruits; Enhancing productivity of subtropical fruits; Post-harvest management; crop improvement and protection
- Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture
Location: Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh
Key Research Areas: Dryland agriculture; sustainable farming systems in the rainfed areas; Agrometerology; Crop Sciences
- Central Research Institute for Jute & Allied Fibres
Location: Kolkata, West Bengal
Key Research Areas: Crop Improvement; Crop Production; Crop Protection; Agricultural research
- Chandra Shekhar Azad University of Agriculture & Technology
Location: Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh
Key Research Areas: Integrated gene management; Integrated management of biotic and abiotic stresses; Integrated management of natural resources; Farming system research; Post harvest handling and value addition; Diversification of
agriculture and farm mechanization; Application of remote sensing; GIS & crop
modeling in agriculture
- Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University
Location: Hisar, Haryana
Key Research Areas: Organic matter; Crop growth; Waste management; Rice management; Networking of Agricultural Market; Renewable energy agricultural
- Maharashtra Animal & Fisheries Sciences University
Location: Nagpur, Maharashtra
Key Research Areas: Goat rearing; Sustainable rural development; Pesticide monitoring; Molecular epidemiology (Diseases); Agricultural networking
- Indian Institute of Pulses Research
Location: Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh
Key Research Areas: Genetics & Plant Breeding and Seed Science & Technology; Plant Biotechnology; Agronomy and social science; ecology, biology and management of major insect pests; Crop Physiology, Biochemistry, Microbiology & Agricultural Chemistry; Impact Assessment; Socio-Economic Empowerment; Innovative Extension Models; Participatory Seed Production; Supply and Demand Analysis; Costs and Benefits Analysis; Development of Online Information Systems; Crop Estimation using G.I.S. & Remote Sensing Techniques; Development of Forecasting Models.
- National Research Centre for Groundnut
Location: Junagarh, Gujarat
Key Research Areas: Production, productivity and quality of groundnut; repository
of groundnut germplasm and information on groundnut research
- Directorate of Soybean Research
Location: Indore, Madhya Pradesh
Key Research Areas: Quality and quantitative research on soybean; Socio-economic
- Bharathiar University
Location: Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu
Key Research Areas: Plant Genetic Engineering
Biological and Medical Research Institutes
- Indian Institute of Integrative Medicine
Location: Indian Institute of Integrative Medicine, Jammu, J&K
Key Research Areas: : Natural Products Chemistry (Plants & Microbes); Pharmacology (Cancer, Inflammation, Immunomodulation)
- International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology
Location: New Delhi
Key Research Areas: cMammalian Biology; Plant Biology; Synthetic Biology and Biofuels
- Adyar Cancer Institute
Location: Chennai, Tamil Nadu
Key Research Areas: Cancer Immunotherapy; Hereditary Cancers; Biomarker Discovery; Targeted therapy for cancer; Evaluation of plant products for anti-cancer activity
- Tata Memorial Centre
Location: Mumbai, Maharashtra
Key Research Areas: Comparative effectiveness and outcomes research; Clinical Research Methodology; Cancer Registries; Cancer epidemiology; Molecular Epidemiology; Mutational genotyping of solid tumors; Clinical Pharmacology; Tumor immunology; Sequencing and bioinformatics; Protein interactions; Stem cell biology;
Circulating tumor cell technology, radiation oncology
- National Institute of Virology
Location: Pune, Maharashtra
Key Research Areas: Epidemiology; Basic Virology; Diagnostics; Molecular Evolution; Immunology and Pathogenesis for Viruses of Public Health Importance, viz.
Influenza, Avian Influenza, Hepatitis A, B, C, E, Rotavirus, Enteroviruses, Japanese Encephalitis, Dengue and Measles (excluding HIV)
- Centre for DNA Fingerprinting and Diagnostics
Location: Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh
Key Research Areas: Computational Biology / Bioinformatics: Protein Structure;
Dynamics and Interactions; Epigenetic
- Institute of Life Sciences
Location: Bhubaneswar, Odisha
Key Research Areas: Infectious Disease; Immune Biology; Cancer Biology; Nanotechnology
- Centre for Cellular & Biomedicine and Biotechnology
Location: Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh
Key Research Areas: Biomedicine and Biotechnology; Dr Genetics & Evolution, Genomics; Cell Biology & Development; Molecular Biology and Structural Biology; Biochemistry & Biophysics; Infectious Diseases; Computational Biology & Bioinformatics
- Indian Institutes of Science Education & Research
Location: Kolkata, West Bengal
Key Research Areas: Microbial Ecology; Marine Molecular Ecology; Marine
- Centre for Bioseparation Technology
Location: Vellore, TamilNadu
Key Research Areas: Protein Separation Technology; Proteomics; Monoclonal Antibody Production by Hybridoma Technology for Diagnosis; Recombinant Antibody/Antibody Fragments Production for Diagnosis; Immuno-Technology for
Autoimmune Diseases
- National Brain Research Centre
Location: Manesar, Gurgaon
Key Research Areas: Brain Research; Neuroscience Research
- National Centre for Disease Control
Location: New Delhi
Key Research Areas: Virology, Molecular Diagnostics in Communicable Diseases
- Central Food Technological Research Institute
Location: Mysore, Karnataka
Key Research Areas: Food Science and Technology
- Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences & Tech.
Location: Trivadrum, Kerala
Key Research Areas: Biomedical Imaging; Health Systems; Reproductive Health; Health Informatics; Medical Devices Engineering; Biomaterials; Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Technology
- Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants
Location: Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh
Key Research Areas: Agronomy & Soil Sciences; Biotechnology; Chemical Sciences; Crop Protection; Genetics & Plant Breeding; Plant Biology
- National Botanical Research Institute
Location: Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh
Key Research Areas: Plant Diversity; Systematics & Herbarium; Plant Ecology &
Environmental Sciences; Genetics & Molecular Biology; Plant Microbe Interaction & Pharmacogonosy
- Central Drug Research Institute
Location: Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh
Key Research Areas: Drug Discovery & Development; Cancer & related areas; CNS/CVS & other Disorders; Malaria & other Parasitic Diseases; Reproductive Health; Diabetes & Energy Metabolism; Tuberculosis & Microbial infections; Safet & Clinical Development
- Indian Institute of Toxicology Research
Location: Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh
Key Research Areas: Nanotherapeutics & Nanomaterials Toxicology; Environmental Toxicology; Regulatory Toxicology; Food; Drug & Chemical Systems Toxicology; Health Risk Assessment.
- National Institute of Immunology
Location: New Delhi
Key Research Areas: Infection And Immunity; Molecular Design; Gene Regulation and Reproduction and Development
- Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology
Location: New Delhi
Key Research Areas: Genomics and Molecular Medicine; Respiratory Disease Biology; Genome Informatics and Structural Biology; Energy and Environmental
Biotechnology; Chemical & Systems Biology
- Centre for Neuroscience, Indian Institute of Science
Location: Bengaluru, Karnataka
Key Research Areas: Neurobiology Of Disease; Neural Control Of Action; Neural Development And Stem Cells; Neuronal Basis Of Object Recognition; Neural Mechanisms Of Selective Attention; Neurobiology Of Learning And
Memory; Axon Growth And Regeneration; Neural Stem Cells And Differentiation
- Sathyabama University
Location: Chennai, Tamil Nadu
Key Research Areas: Biological Sciences; Biotechnology; Life- Sciences; Developmental Biology; Nanotechnology; Waste Management; Molecular
Medicine; Climate Change studies; Organismal and Behavioural Biology
- Guru Ghasidas University
Location: Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh
Key Research Areas: Development and optimization of green low carbon print extraction methods for natural products; Standardization of medicinal plants; Reverse Pharmacology coupled bio-activity guided drug discovery; Antioxidants and
nutraceuticals; Process optimization and hyphenation; Tandem spectroscopy
- National Institute for Research in Reproductive Health
Location: Mumbai, Maharashtra
Key Research Areas: Reproductive health; stem cell biology; toxicology and transgenesis
- Birla Institute of Technology & Science
Location: Hyderabad, Telangana
Key Research Areas: Pharmacy; Biological Sciences; Chemistry-Drug discovery, Computer-aided drug design in the therapeutic areas of acute pain, neuropathic pain, neuroinflammatory disorders, diabetic neuropathy, tuberculosis, and cancer
- Bose Institute
Location: Kolkata, West Bengal
Key Research Areas: Molecular and cellular Biology; Microbial genetics; Plant
molecular biology; Protein structure and function; Physical and Environmental sciences
- Rajiv Gandhi Centre For Biotechnology
Location: Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala
Key Research Areas: Chronic Disease Biology; Infectious Disease Biology; Neurobiology and Genetics; Plant Disease Biology; Chemical Biology; Molecular Reproduction
- National Institute of Nutrition
Location: Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh
Key Research Areas: Risk analysis of Mycotoxins, safety assessment of GM foods
and development of analytical methods and protocols for their detection; evolving prevention strategies for mould and mycotoxin contamination
- School of Bio Sciences and Technology
Location: Vellore, Tamil Nadu
Key Research Areas: Biomedical Genetics; Biotechnology; Microbiology; Cell Biology; Recombinant DNATechnology and Bioinformatics
- Jamia Hamdard University
Location: New Delhi
Key Research Areas: Heavy metal and environmental stress on plants; air pollution and impact on plant form; function and medicinal properties; genetic characterization of medicinal plants; ethnobotany and plant systematic; meristematic behaviour and secondary plant growth; tissue culture studies for
alkaloid production; multiplication and preservation of endangered species; transmission and application of variation in plants; isolation; identification
and characterization of biologically active constituents
- Centre of Advanced Study in Botany
Location: Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh
Key Research Areas: Botany; Microbiology; Environmental Science; Plant Ecology & Environmental Science; Ecological analysis of organic matter dynamics of terrestrial ecosystems especially agroecosystems, land use change, restoration of degraded lands, biofuel plantations: Carbon and Nitrogen balance in soil, Land management and climate change, Greenhouse gas flux from soil, Soil C sequestration, Sustainable biological productivity, Biodiversity
- School of Bio-Medical Engineering, Indian Institute Of Technology
Location: Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh
Key Research Areas: Biomedical Signal And Image Processing; Bio Instrumentation; Artificial Intelligence; Biological Control System Analysis; Control System; Polymer Nanocomposites; Polymer Chemistry; Block Copolymers And Their Biomedical Applications; Hydrogels And Their Biomedical Applications; Neurophysiology; Electrophysiology; Biochemistry; Biomaterials; Computational Orthopedic Biomechanics; Sport Biomechanics; Molecular Biology of Infectious Diseases and Tissue Engineering.
- Regional Medical Research Centre
Location: Dollygunj, Port Blair
Key Research Areas: Leptospirosis Diarrhoeal diseases; viral hepatitis; tuberculosis; lymphatic filariasis and other vector borne diseases including chikungunya; malaria and other health problems of the indigenous tribes of these Islands; Research on chronic non-communicable diseases including diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular diseases as well as on psychosocial issues including alcoholism and post-traumatic stress syndrome triggered by natural calamities such as earthquake and tsunami; Collection and collation of information on traditional medicine/folk lore practices of the aborigines on medicinal plants and sea weeds and their medicinal properties.
- Madras Diabetes Research Foundation
Location: Chennai, Tamil Nadu
Key Research Areas: Diagnosis; treatment; and prevention of diabetes; study of atherosclerotic disease; epidemiologic study.
- Indian Institute of Chemical Biology
Location: Kolkata, West Bengal
Key Research Areas: Cancer Biology & Inflammatory Disorder Division; Cell Biology & Physiology; Chemistry; Drug Development / Diagnostics & Biotechnology; Infectious Diseases and Immunology; Molecular & Human Genetics; Structural Biology & Bioinformatics.
- Division of Nutrition, St. John’s Research Institute
Location: Bangalore, Karnataka
Key Research Areas: Training and Mentoring in Nutrition Research Methods; Developmental Biology and Nutrition; Requirement of Macro and Micronutrients across Life Cycle (Energy, Protein, Iron); Body Composition Assessment; Sarcopenia and Metabolic Flexibility; Anaemia and Haematopoiesis; Adolescent Health
- University of Allahabad
Location: Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh
Key Research Areas: Molecular biology of HIV-1; antiHIV-1 drug design; toxicology; micronutrients and their role in oxidative stress; aging research and anti-aging interventions; and natural product based antimicrobials
- Regional Cancer Centre
Location: Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala
Key Research Areas: Cancer Research
- Institute of Pharmacy and Department of Biotechnology
Location: Ludhiana, Punjab
Key Research Areas: Applications of Nanotechnology in Food Packaging
- VNS Group of Institutions, Faculty of Pharmacy
Location: Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh
Key Research Areas: Pharmaceutics; Pharmacology; Pharmaceutical Chemistry; Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
- Department of Pharmaceutical Technology
Location: Kolkata, West Bengal
Key Research Areas: Cheminformatics & QSAR Molecular Modelling; Synthetic & Natural products Chemistry; Novel drug delivery system; Nanomedicine; Cancer Biology; Microbiology & Drug resistance; Molecular Pharmacology; Biochemistry & molecular mechanism; Formulation Development
- JSS College of Pharmacy
Location: Mysuru, Karnataka
Key Research Areas: Pharmaceutical Analysis; Pharmaceutical Biotechnology; Pharmaceutics; Pharmacognosy; Pharmacology; Pharmaceutical Chemistry; Phytopharmacy and Phytomedicine Pharmacy Practice
- Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Arts, Science and Humanities, Karpagam University
Location: Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu
Key Research Areas: Microbial enzyme technology; food biotechnology; health care sciences and medicinal plant research and cancer biology
- Department of Biochemistry, Biotechnology and Bioinformatics, Avinashilingam Institute for Women
Location: Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu
Key Research Areas: In vitro culture of medicinal plants and gene expression analysis.
- National Centre for Biological Sciences
Location: Bangalore, Karnataka
Key Research Areas: Biochemistry, Biophysics & Bioinformatics, Genetics & Development, Cellular Organisation & Signalling, Neurobiology, Theory And Modelling Of Biological Systems, Ecology And Evolution, C-Camp, Instem
- Zoology Department and Research Centre
Location: Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu
Key Research Areas: Biodiversity conservation
- Zoological Survey of India
Location: Kolkata, West Bengal
Key Research Areas: Biodiversity conservation
- All India Institute of Speech & Hearing
Location: Mysuru, Karnataka
Key Research Areas: Speech; Language; & Hearing; Clinical Psychology; Special Education; ENT; Electronics; Interdisciplinary; Survey; SocioEconomic
- School of Life Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University
Location: New Delhi
Key Research Areas: Cell Biology, Immunology and Developmental Biology; Genetic, Genomics, Gene Regulation and RNA Biology; Molecular Biology and Biochemistry of Pathogens and Diseases; Neurobiology and Behavioral Biology; Plant Molecular Biology, Biotechnology, and Photobiology; Radiation and Cancer Biology; Biophysical Chemistry; Molecular Biophysics, and Structural Biology
- Centre for Chronic Disease Control
Location: Gurgaon, Haryana
Key Research Areas: Cardio metabolic surveillance study; Genetic Research; Clinical Trials & Translational Research; epidemiology
- School of Biotechnology, Jawaharlal Nehru University
Location: New Delhi
Key Research Areas: Molecular biology and Genetic engineering; Molecular biology of infectious diseases; Immunology; Protein Engineering, Protein stability, conformation and folding; Biochemical engineering, optimization of recombinant protein production and Metabolic Engineering; Transcription control and gene regulation in prokaryotic and mammalian systems; Structural biology and bioinformatics; Molecular basis of human viral diseases; Molecular Cell biology, Cancer cell biology: Diagnostics and vaccines.
- Special Centre for Molecular Medicine, Jawaharlal Nehru University
Location: New Delhi
Key Research Areas: Bioinformatics and computer sciences; Environmental sciences and physical sciences
- School of Computational and Integrative Sciences (SC&IS), Jawaharlal Nehru University
Location: New Delhi
Key Research Areas: Computational Genomics; Development of Tools in Bioinformatics; Structure based Bioinformatics and in silico Drug Discovery; Database Management Microarray Analysis and Data mining; Systems Biology.
- Microbial Technology Lab, Acharya Narendra Dev College
Location: New Delhi
Key Research Areas: Molecular Biology
- Department of Botany, University of Calcutta
Location: Kolkata, West Bengal
Key Research Areas: Phytostratigraphy, Palynostratigraphy; Ecostratigraphy Paleoclimate; Palaeoenvironment; Palaeogeography Detection of Palaeoshoreline & hydrocarbon exploration Palaeoecology; Archaeobotany; Entomopalynology; Melittopalynology; Forensic Palynology; Copro Palynology Plant – Animal Interaction and their coevolution Ancient-DNA analysis and Palaeo Phytochemistry.
- Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Maharshi Dayanand University
Location: Rohtak, Haryana
Key Research Areas: Anxiety Disorders, Fundamentals of Research in Cognitive Neuroscience, Fundamentals of development of pre clinical models for Cognitive disorders, Pharmacological Evaluation of novel compounds, Hands on training on standardization of these Models, Hands on training in Pre-clinical protocols employed for Pharmacological Evaluation of novel compounds.
- Madras Diabetes Research Foundation
Location: Gopalapuarm, Chennai
Key Research Areas: Disease Biology, Bioprospecting of Herbal Drugs, Environmental Toxicants, Health, Food and Nutrition, Non-Communicable Diseases, study on ageing, Point of Care (POC) Medical devices, Science Popularisation
- School of Pharmacy & Research
Location: (Formerly People’s Institute of Pharmacy and Research Center), People’s University, Bhopal (M.P.)
Key Research Areas: Pharmaceutics, Drug Discovery and Development, Standardization of herbal medicinal products, Isolation and characterization of drug molecules from natural sources, Ethno pharmacological investigations and Molecular Pharmacology, Analytical method development and validation, Pharmaceutical Screening, Synthetic and Natural Product Chemistry, Cancer Biology, Microbiology & Drug resistance, Biochemistry and Molecular Mechanism
- Jawaharlal Nehru University
Location: New Delhi
Key Research Areas: Computational Biology & Bioinformatics, Infectious disease, Annotation of Enzymes
- Centre for Scientific Research and Development
Location: Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh
Key Research Areas: Novel therapeutics from plants & microbes, Epidemiological and biodiversity analysis, Enabling technologies for stem cell research, Development of new diagnostics methods or kits, genetic engineering, microbiology, molecular biology, stem cell culture, research and diagnosis of hemoglobinopathies
Chemical Science Research Organisations
- Indian Institute of Chemical Technology
Location: Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh
Key Research Areas: Pharmaceutics & Drugs; Chemical Biology; Energy (Solar Coal); Fluoorganics; Lipid Science & Technology; Polymer & Functional Technology; Chemical Engg. including Membrane Technology; Biological.
- Central Electrochemical Research Institute
Location: Karaikudi, Tamil Nadu
Key Research Areas: Electrochemistry: Li Batteries; Corrosion; Bio-Sensors; Functional Materials; Materials Electrochemistry; Electrocatalysis and Fuel Cells
- Indian Institute of Petroleum
Location: Dehradun, Uttarakhand
Key Research Areas: R&D for Downstream Sector of the Hydrocarbon Industry: Petroleum Refining; Natural Gas; Petrochemicals; Chemicals and Utilization of Petroleum Products: Nanocatalysis; Hydro Processing; Fluid Catalytic Cracking; Light Stock Processing and Catalytic Reforming; Natural Gas Conversion Gas-to-Liquid; Aromatic Extraction; Sweetening; Gasoline and Diesel Fuel Quality
and Emission; Alternative Fuels and Fuel Conservation; Automotive Lubricants; Biomass Conversion & Utilization; CO2 Capture; CO2 Conversion for Fuel and Chemicals; Simulation and Modelling etc.
- Central Salt & Marine Chemicals Research Institute
Location: Bhavnagar, Gujarat
Key Research Areas: Salt and Marine Chemicals; Inorganic Materials and Catalysis; Electro Membrane Processes; Reverse Osmosis
- National Chemical Laboratory
Location: Pune, Maharashtra
Key Research Areas: Chemical Science and Engineering
- National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research
Location: Mohali, Punjab
Key Research Areas: Discovery of new chemical entities (NCEs) from natural products of terrestrial; microbial and marine origin for therapeutic purposes; Standardization and quality control of herbal drugs and products; Development of chemical process technologies for important natural products involving isolation; semisynthesis or synthesis.
- Institute of Nano Science and Technology
Location: Mohali, Punjab
Key Research Areas: Bio-inspired soft nanostructures; Biosensors and online
diagnostics; Bio-targeting and therapeutics; Microfluidics based devices; Materials and devices for energy storage and harvesting; Device and thin film superstructure group; Nanotechnology in Agriculture and Rural Development; Nanotoxicology; Porous nano structures for water purification and carbon dioxide sequestration; Understanding phenomena at the Nanoscale.
- School of Chemical Sciences, Marathwada University
Location: Nanded, Maharashtra
Key Research Areas: Organic and biomolecular chemistry; catalysis; theoretical and computational chemistry; and chemistry on the nanoscale
- Laboratory of Advanced Research in Polymeric Materials
Location: Bhubaneswar, Orissa
Key Research Areas: Biopolymer; Fuel Cells; Polymer Nanocomposite; Carbon Nanotubes; Polymer Blends & Alloys; E Waste Recycling.
Mathematical and Physical Science
- Department of Physics, Presidency University
Location: Kolkata, West Bengal
Key Research Areas: Hyperspectral Remote Sensing and Its Applications (E. G. Atmospheric and Environmental Studies, Spectral Library Development Etc.); Spectroscopic Studies in Laboratory within Ultraviolet–Visible–Near-Infrared Range; Physics & Techniques Of Remote Sensing.
- Department of Physics, Karunya University
Location: Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu
Key Research Areas: Crystal Growth; Nano-materials; Nanofluids for Solar Power generation systems; Dielectrics; Ultrasonics. Semiconductor nano-materials; Crystal Growth; Semiconductor thin films;
- Inter-University Accelerator Centre
Location: New Delhi
Key Research Areas: Nuclear Physics; Materials Science; Atomic and Molecular Physics; Radiation Biology
- Institute of Mathematical Sciences
Location: Chennai, Tamil Nadu
Key Research Areas: Mathematics; Theoretical Physics; Theoretical Computer Science and Computational Biology; Models of Glacier Melting; Indus Valley Script;
Physics of Arrhythmia in Heart; Algorithms for Stock Market
- National Physical Laboratory
Location: New Delhi
Key Research Areas: Materials for Energy Harvesting; Polymeric Materials including Conducting Polymers; CarbonBased Materials & Their Composites; Light Weight Structural Materials; NanoMaterials & Their Composites; Optical Thin Films; Luminescent Materials and Superconducting Materials as well as Their Related Components & Devices
- S. N. Bose National Centre for Basic Science
Location: Kolkata, West Bengal
Key Research Areas: Theoretical Science; Condensed Matter Physics and Material Science; Chemical; Biological and Macromolecular Science; Astrophysics and Cosmology
- Raman Research Institute
Location: Bangalore, Karnataka
Key Research Areas: Astronomy and Astrophysics; Condensed Matter Theoretical Physics; Light and Matter Physics
- Aryabhatta Research Institute for Observational Sciences
Location: Nainital, Uttarakhand
Key Research Areas: Star Formation; Stellar Evolution; Astrometry; Polarimetry; Extragalactic Astronomy; Solar Physics; Atmospheric Studies.
- Indian Statistical Institute
Location: Kolkata, West Bengal
Key Research Areas: Statistics
- National Institute of Medical Statistics
Location: Delhi
Key Research Areas: Research in Medical Statistics
- Department of Mathematics, Shivaji University
Location: Kolhapur, Maharashtra
Key Research Areas: Dynamical System; Differential Equations; Integral Equations
- Department of Physics St. Thomas College
Location: Thrichur, Kerala
Key Research Areas: Quantum Electronics; Crystal Growth; Thin Film; Nano-BioPolymer Science and Technology; nanostructures, quantum dot sensitized solar cells; organic solar cells
- Department of Physics, National Institute of Technology
Location: Calicut, Kerala
Key Research Areas: Atmospheric physics; Critical point phenomena & polymer
dynamics; Computational condensed matter physics; Experimental condensed matter
physics and material science; Lasers and non-linear optics; Nanophotonics and photonic devices; Unconventional photonics and electronics.
- School of Physical Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University
Location: Delhi
Key Research Areas: Chemical Physics; Inorganic; Organic and Physical Chemistry;
Computational Physics; Condensed Matter Physics; Disordered Systems; Granular
Materials; Mathematical Physics; Non-equilibrium Statistical Mechanics; Nonlinear Dynamics; Probability Measure; Quantum Chaos; Quantum Optics; Statistical Nuclear Physics; and String Theory; Complex Fluids; Supra-molecular Chemistry;
Materials Science; Superconductivity; Magnetism; Nonlinear Optics; Semiconductors; Polymers and Nanoparticle Physics; and Ultrafast Photophysical Processes in Bio and Nano-materials.
- Physical Research Laboratory
Location: Ahmedabad, Gujarat
Key Research Areas: Astronomy and Astrophysics; Geosciences; Planetary sciences;
Space and Atmospheric Sciences; Theoretical physics
- National Institute of Solar Energy (NISE), Ministry of New and Renewable Energy
Location: New Delhi/Gurgaon
Key Research Areas: Research and technology development in solar thermal and
photovoltaic systems and components; reliability testing of solar PV projects; hybridization and technical aspects of emerging areas as solar rooftops and microgrid; integration of cross-sectoral learning’s from conventional power generation
Earth Research Institutions
- Centre for Marine Living Resources & Ecology
Location: Kochi, Kerala
Key Research Areas: Monitoring of Harmful Algae Blooms; Marine Bio-diversity; Deep Sea Fishery
- National Geophysical Research Institute
Location: Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh
Key Research Areas: GroundWater – Management; Artificial Recharge; Pollutants; Natural Hazards – Earthquakes; Tsunami.
- Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geology
Location: Dehradun, Uttarakhand
Key Research Areas: Climate and Tectonics; Fluvial Systems; Hydrogeology; Remote Sensing and GIS; Geothermal Energy; and Earthquake precursory research
- National Centre for Antarctic and Ocean Research
Location: Vasco da Gama, Goa
Key Research Areas: Snow and Ice Core Research for Climate Fingerprinting;
Polar Clouds and Precipitation; Stratospheric Dynamics; Dynamics of Sea/Polar Ice Sheet with Remote Sensing Data; Hydrodynamics of the Southern Ocean; Material Management and Planning of Expeditions; Oceanic Microfossil Applications for Reconstructing the PaleoEnvironment.
- National Institute of Ocean Technology
Location: Chennai, Tamil Nadu
Key Research Areas: Instruments for Ocean Observation; Deep Sea Mining; Exploration of Gas Hydrates; Offshore andCoastal Structures; Marine Biotechnology; Marine Sensor Systems; Ocean Acoustics and Ocean Electronics; Coastal Protection and Management; Ocean Energy; Solar Energy and Desalination
- Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services
Location: Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh
Key Research Areas: Operational oceanography; ocean modeling; ocean state forecasts; data management and information services; remote sensing of oceans; remote sensing for fisheries; tsunami early warning; and application of remote sensing for shoreline management.
- National Institute of Oceanography
Location: Dona Paula- Goa
Key Research Areas: Physical and Biogeochemical Dynamics of Estuarine and Coastal Ecosystem, BioProspecting, Bioactive Molecules, Habitat Ecology, Molecular Biology And Biotechnology; Biofouling and Corrosion, Genesis, Occurrence and Mining of Marine Oxide, Sulfide and Placer Minerals; Tectonics of Indian Continental Margins; Gas Hydrate Occurrence; Mid Ocean Ridge Studies, Paleo Oceanography, Marine Archaeology and Underwater Exploration; Autonomous Vehicle and Marine Instrumentation.
- Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany
Location: Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh
Key Research Areas: Palaeobotany (including Paleopalynology); Coal/Lignite Petrology; Precambrian Paleobiology And Quaternary Paleoclimates; Palynology in
Fossil Fuel Exploration; Dendrochronology; Ethnobotany; Micropaleontology; Carbon14 Dating
- Indian School of Mines
Location: Dhanbad, Jharkhand
Key Research Areas: Mechanical Engineering and Mining Machinery Engineering; Fuel and Mineral Engineering; Management Studies; and Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering; Applied Chemistry; Applied Physics; and Applied
Mathematics; Electrical Engineering; Environmental Science and Engineering;
Chemical Engineering.
- National Institute of Hydrology
Location: Roorkee, Uttarakhand
Key Research Areas: Hydrologic Design; Design flood estimation using flood
frequency analysis ; synthetic data generation; Water availability studies; Network
design land use and soil classification; erosion studies; flood plain mapping; sedimentation of reservoirs and Reservoir capacity computations assessment of
water logged areas; Mapping of ground water availability zones; Stream flow-aquifer interaction; Management of coastal aquifers; Groundwater resource evaluation in hard rock.
- Water Resource Development & Management, Indian Institute of Technology
Location: Roorkee, Uttarakhand
Key Research Areas: Groundwater Development & Management; Rainwater Harvesting; Watershed Management and Urban Water Management; Climate Change
- Centre For Advanced Study, Department of Geology
Location: Delhi
Key Research Areas: Vertebrate Palaeontology – Evolution of Mesozoic Vertebrates with special reference to biogeographic origins; diversity and evolution of Mesozoic
Mammals of India; and Cretaceous Palaeobiogeography of India
- Nansen Environmental Research Centre India
Location: Kochi, Kerala
Key Research Areas:Monsoon and ocean variability, Climate Change, Sea level variations; Coastal Zone Management & Social Issues; Marine Ecosystem studies with focus on forcing mechanisms and algal blooms
- The Energy and Resources Institute
Location: New Delhi
Key Research Areas: Earth Science & Climate Change; Environmental science; Forestry and biodiversity; Global & environmental research.
- The Post-graduate Department of studies in Earth Science
Location: Mysore, Karnataka
Key Research Areas: Applied Geology; Earth Science and Resource Management.
- Centre for Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
Location: Bangalore, Karnataka
Key Research Areas: Aerosol measurements and impacts; atmosphere-ocean coupled general circulation and climate modeling; cloud physics; geophysical fluid
dynamics; paleoclimate studies; physical-chemical biological oceanography of the Indian Ocean; radiative transfer; satellite meteorology; space-time structure and
scaling in geophysical fields, and tropical convection.
Important Note
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